We've been busy, getting the harvesting under way. Much of what we grow has been late to ripen due to strange weather patterns. We are having a very different year from most, though it is in keeping with the past few. Sort of. At least we actually have crops this year. Last year was just lousy not only for us, but a lot of folks out here. Anyway, for us, Lughnassadh is this week. I like to wait until the hay is in and we are just near the Lunasa full moon. It makes far more sens in our little area of the world. We have a lot to get ready for this week, though we are only having a small family Lughnassadh, I have more to do since I am the only one doing it!! It will be nice though. The baby's first Lughnassadh coincides with her new diet which includes some mild grains and fruits and vegetables. Just a little bit. She mostly has milk. She will be nursing for at least a year, if not awhile longer. But she does need a little more than milk can give her. She is very active and I think she burns a lot of it right off. She didn't gain as much weight as she really should, so the ped is recommending a little solid food in addition to milk. She's a healthy kid all around though.
This is perhaps all I will be able to post this week since we have much to do.
This is perhaps all I will be able to post this week since we have much to do.
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