Wednesday, July 19, 2006


You have not lived until you have baked bread in an unairconditioned house on a 90+ degree day...
I think I fried some brain cells doing precisely that yesterday. But at least I got a lot done :) I even roasted a damn chicken!! It was too hot to think of doing anything else to it. I also filled my daughter's swimming pool. I'm planning on taking her for her first "swim" this afternoon, once the water warms up. I have just been amusing myself with some blogs - I have to say, Views from the Cyberhenge is still my favorite. It has led me to some really excellent pages on politics- which is an area on which I need work. I have a tendency to gloss over politics because I am so utterly disgusted by it. But no purpose is served by ignoring it. That is preceisely how we wind up with an awful administration like the one we have.
Political awareness is painful to me. Our government is so big and bloated and corrupt that I would rather stick my head under a rock and pretend to be somewhere else. It seems, unfortunately, that most other folks feel that way too. I am normally a person who likes to get the dirty work done first, but I admit that I am so utterly without hope where our government is concerned. We have a president who cares not to respect or even acknowledge the limits of his office, his authority, a president whom I am sure cannot even spell the word "authority" and a Congress who will not put him in his place and except for the very rare person therein, does not care about the people they serve. The thing that disgusts me so, is that everything for them comes back to "it's a matter of national security - it's an issue of homeland security - you don't want the terrorists to git ya..." I am so f****** sick of that BS! "Terrorism" is the command word used to keep the feeb citizenry of this country in line, to keep us from asking too many questions! And Americans are too busy sticking their collective head under a rock and pretending it doesn't exist to question it and say "Hey, WTF??!" I am just as guilty of this as the next person and being a druid, I have far less excuse. For so long, my argument has been "I'm an artist, I'm stupid when it comes to politics, I don't understand, I don't even want to live in this country...blah-blah." Well, I haven't moved to Eire (yet) so what's the excuse? It's distasteful to be involved inpolitics. I dislike rude, tactless liars and so I have completely steered clear of politics. But I realize that I, as an American citizen and perhaps even more, as a druid, have no right whatsoever to take that line. I have to do something besides vote. Though, I am not exactly sure where to begin. My husband is a brilliant man with a keen grasp of politics and I have learned a great deal from him. Perhaps that is where I should begin. I also have begun to study the corruption in the small town where I live. I suppose I fear for my family who have already been targeted by certain people for demanding people follow the town laws (locan developer - long story). I have a long distasteful task ahead of me, but I do realize what needs to be done, for my own part anyway...


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