Some creature or another left me a gift two days ago. I was complaining bitterly about the rabbits that have gotten out of control population-wise - eating everything in the vegetable garden - broccoli, celery, beans, peas - you name it. The other day my husband pointed out a grisly find. But one that I realized was a gift. A rabbit foot. Just a small one. I felt bad for the rabbit, but at the same time, I was deeply moved by this gift in the path out front. I suspect a neighborhood cat. At any rate, I say gift, because the vegetable garden is very important to us. We never had problems with critters before, but thanks to the new neighbors, the rabbits have been flushed out to our place which is rich with all kinds of lovely things to eat. I enjoy the rabbits, but at the same time, their numbers tend to get out of control very quickly. I cannot wait until we can move away from our neighbors! grumble...anyway, I was deeply moved and felt the foot was a message from my gods saying "We know you have your hands full right now and couldn't get to building the fence. Here is a little help." I felt this deeply when I saw the foot. I have since placed it in a spot beneath the fowering quince, where the family altar is. With a thank you and a blessing to the little creature who died. Bittersweet.
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