I am in the process of working to create a local and possible regional druids' order and I have gotten to the point where I am questioning the validity of such a move. It is at the point where I move forward or table the idea once again. I suppose I should start with where I am as a druid. I am currently solitary in practice, about to return to my work as a clergy person after a few years take to attend to health issues and to have a child. I have undergone initiation by my gods and goddesses in this time and I have begun to work again with the pagan community in this area after having taken that time to myself. The druids I have worked with in the past are no longer in the area, so I am looking at starting anew. I know there is interest and I am just at the moment feeling a little apprehensive, as one does at the start of something important in one's life. I know that I am being moved by my gods and goddesses to do this, but I want to be certain that I have made the best preparation that I can to give to get this project off to its best start. I am beginning to realize that a) I have answered the questions that I have, to the best of my ability and b) the worries that I have are more like jitters or nerves - not really founded, it is pure emotion. I generally work best when I am a bit nervous about things. Keeps me on my toes. It seems right now that I am at the point in the journey after packing my bags, where I take a long deep breath before stepping foot onto road. Forgive the trite and badly written metaphor - I am operating on pure emotion as I write this. Perhaps another druid forum would be a good place to go ? I will give it a try :)
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